Books become more than just objects to read in these surreal illustrations by Quint Buchholz. I think the artist’s sense of magical realism and the creative way he depicts books are awesome. I also especially like the wide range of tones the artist achieves through stippling and pointillism effects. These particular pieces are black and white drawings, but Buchholz continues with these themes and style in his paintings and other works.
Some of the pictures show normal-size books used in unusual ways, such as men standing on giant pedestals of stacked books or a person rowing a boat full of books. Others have humongous books that act as shelters or furniture. A few demonstrate the magic and life within books in a symbolic way, by showing a book bleeding after it has been stabbed with a pair of scissors, or another book sticking its tongue out toward the viewer.
Buchholz has illustrated over 40 books, including the recent Im Land Der Bücher (In the Land of Books). You can also buy calendars, postcards, and fine art prints of his works (see Buchholz’s website for details). The artist lives in Munich, Germany.









