Isaac Cordal places his miniature sculptures in unlikely public places. These Cement Eclipses are figurative sculptures cast from cement, and most are painted. Cordal views his street art as a kind of activism, and he tackles subjects ranging from economic woes to the environment.
Many of the people are businessmen in suits, and protesters and militarized riot police also appear frequently. Some of the figures are even dead bodies or skeletons lying on the ground. I find the people who are partially submerged in sand or puddles of water, struggling to stay afloat, very insightful and metaphorical. I also particularly like effect of combining the cement’s naturally rough texture with a painting and sculpting style that is sometimes blocky and sometimes more detailed.
Cordal is originally from Spain, but he has placed Cement Eclipses in many cities worldwide, including London, U.K.; Nantes, France; St. Petersburg, Russia; and Bogota, Columbia; sometimes in collaboration with art festivals and exhibitions.
From the artist’s statement: “Men and women are suspended and isolated in a motion or pose that can take on multiple meanings. The sympathetic figures are easy to relate to and to laugh with … These small sculptures contemplate the demolition and reconstruction of everything around us. They catch the attention of the absurdity of our existence.”










