Rabiscograma: Quirky Animated Drawings

Swimmer - Rabiscograma - Animated GIF by l b

The artist behind Rabiscograma is identified only as “l b,” a design student from Brazil. He or she has taken photos by other photographers (Alide Dara and Barbara Carneiro) and added animated, white line drawings to each. The drawings are simple but effective. In a photo of a woman taking a photograph of pigeons, a cat is added. The photo of a rowboat at a lake has included a floating swimmer. The other pictures are augmented by a rising submarine and a bicycle with spinning wheels.

Cat - Rabiscograma - Animated GIF by l b

Bicycle - Rabiscograma - Animated GIF by l b

Swimmer - Rabiscograma - Animated GIF by l b

Submarine - Rabiscograma - Animated GIF by l b

Tom is a writer, artist, and multi-media guru from Pennsylvania, U.S. He holds a Master's in Journalism and Mass Communication, but he has also taken several university-level courses in fine arts, art appreciation, graphic design, printmaking, and Asian art. He has been blogging for Monde Mosaic since February 2014.

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