Belenko’s “Tiny Crimes”: Household Accidents Given Added Drama
I absolutely love these creative photos by Dina Belenko. Each of these Tiny Crimes depicts a minor household accident — a broken coffee cup, or…
I absolutely love these creative photos by Dina Belenko. Each of these Tiny Crimes depicts a minor household accident — a broken coffee cup, or…
Takeru Toyokura‘s Children Wonder series of illustrations show children playing. However, things are not all fun and games, and there is an element of danger…
These sketches and drawings by George Azmy are not what I would call “pretty” – in fact, I’d say several are intentionally ugly. The…
Simon Augade‘s abstract installation pieces use furniture parts, doors, shutters, and other bits of reclaimed wood and nails. By using these found objects, he…
A railway theme inspired these oil and acrylic paintings by Dániel Bajkó. Straight Labyrinth II shows train tracks bordered by a mesmerizing field of…
Miguel Marquez Outside is the Tumblr blog of Michael Pederson, a street artist from Sydney, Australia. For one series, the artist has placed thoughtful…
Photojournalist and filmmaker Randi Lynn Beach documents California’s struggles with drought in Westlands, A Water Story. The Central Valley area of California is one of the…
Benedetto Cristofani is an illustrator and art director from Italy. These digital illustrations were created for a mix of editorial and advertising purposes, and…
Rupert Vandervell‘s Urbanites consists of black-and-white street photography. The series “is a continuing exploration of the city, its urban spaces and our relationship with…
James Fenner‘s digital paintings retain the sketch-like quality of the pencil drawings the artist usually works from. Some of the colors have a fantastic watercolor-like…
Some of Victor Cavazzoni‘s extremely clever digital illustrations rely on wordplay and double meanings, while others have a design that represents two different objects…
In these witty photos by Danielle Del Plato, models sport side ponies, scrunchies, leg warmers, and other retro fashions from The 1980s. The portraits…